Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Wakey Wakey Sleepy Head!!

Hi everyone, i hope your well.

You're all probably thinking I have abandoned you's but I just needed a wee bit of time out. I wish I had some amazing stories for you's of what I've been up to but unfortunately I don't, life has been pretty normal and quiet, well as quiet as it can be with a baby and a toddler. My oldest girl Miley is due home from her holidays tomorrow, she's been away with her daddy and family for a week now. I'm so excited for her coming home and have her crazy humour in the house again. My baby Kaelyn is turning into a proper we madam and a absolute handful. My girlies keep me on my toes, that's for sure and I'm so glad that they do. 

Recently I've been unbelievably tired and have no desire to do anything other than the day-to-day tasks to keep on top of things. Maybe I'm just becoming really lazy (I mean lazier than i normally am) but I actually said "If it wasn't for the girls, I wouldn't get out of bed in the mornings." now that scared the bejeepers outta me. I mean seriously have i lost all interest in stuff that I would rather stay in bed. This past week with Moo (Miley) being away, I look forward to Kooks (Kaelyn) going for her daytime nap so i can take a sneaky one too and i be moody if it turns out to be a short snooze. Its a disgrace NO I'm a disgrace, I should be enjoying every second with my kids instead of counting the hours down to bedtime. 

So the main reason I have decided to tell you all my latest downfall is quite frankly to publicly shame myself into making a change. I do not want my kids to look back in a few years and say "oh Mammy was always too tired to play games with us" or "Mammy never bothered about what we were interested in", I want to be the fun Mammy I used to be even though right now that sounds exhausting. The one good thing in this situation is that I haven't been this way too long so I'm hoping to snap out of it asap. With Moo at an age were she remembers every single thing and Kooks not to far behind I need to make this change. I want my girls to look back at their childhood with amazing happy memories. 

I plan to go to bed very soon and enjoy a good sleep but tomorrow I'm determined to start fresh get my iron levels up to normal, because I'm always low. I want to do this but more importantly I need to. 

Stay safe, stay healthy and look after your sunshine,
xO Leonie