Wednesday, 22 June 2016

I'm Going Through Changes 😀

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well. I honestly can't believe that it's been three months since my last update on the page!! I can't exactly explain why I decided to take a break from the blog, it just happened naturally and I'm kind of glad I did. Not much has been happening the past few months although I have made a few changes to my life and I can definitely see that it's helping me.  Slowly but surely. Now the changes are nothing too major, in fact I should really call them little tweeks. So my little tweeks are so simple and things I should have done so long ago.

As we all know if you find yourself in a negative situation the best thing to do is to turn it into a positive one. Easy enough right? Aaagghhhmmm Nope! Maybe the very odd time but not if it is happening constantly. Putting up with people or situations that make you feel so crappy is just exghusting. There is no point whatsoever. I personally have just decided to remove myself from a few of these situations that I was dealing with. It has definitely made small changes to me. For a while my  days were just full of stress and then bad decision making due to being stressed. It was a never ending circle.

Thankfully, I decided to also make some much needed changes to my health and it's looking to be one of the best choices I've made. I've been more positive and I'm excited to say I have been noticing more genuine laughter in my life. Such a silly thing to be excited about but there is no better feeling than noticing little snippets of your old self again. I'f I get permission I will do a more detailed post on what I've been up to in the next few weeks..

Overall I'm happy and content with where I'm at right now in my life. Will it keep improving? I sure hope so but we never know, do we? My days are still filled with highs and lows. No day is perfect and I don't expect them to be not with my two girlies who love a bit of mischief or should I say a lot of mischief. My aim right now is for my lows to be not so low and for my highs to be that little bit higher.. 

As always,

Stay safe, stay healthy and look after your sunshine.

xO Leonie

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Just A Note x

 There's an ache in my chest it feels heavy, my hearts like a drum, my body's trembling, the butterflies in my stomach feel like they are carrying weights, my heads dizzy and light, I'm numb and weak. I wish these feelings are because I'm about to do something fun like a skydive or a bungee jump, unfortunately I'm not and this is a daily occurrence for me. Its not always easy for me to explain my personal mental health issues because I don't understand it and I don't think I ever will.

Its been a long while since I've wrote on here and I'm still not to sure if I've got to much to say. I didn't even realize that its been a year since I wrote my first blog post so I thought I would try get a few words together. Unfortunately I wouldn't exactly say I've made any dramatic improvement in the last year but I still struggle on, trying not to let my depression rule my whole life and that to me is an improvement at least. 

I always say that I'm sorry for the lack of ramblings on my blog sometimes and I truly am sorry. I struggle to write when my mood is at its lowest, at times I think this makes me fail as a blogger and well maybe it does. For me personally I don't want to add extra pressure to myself by having blog post deadlines. I started my blog to raise awareness, to help myself and to help others. That was and still is my main goal. 

Thank you all so much for your support over the past year, it means the world and more to me. x

I hope to be back on chatting to you all soon. 

Stay safe, stay healthy and look after your sunshine.  
 xO Leonie

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Get The Right Support!

Hello there, how are you feeling? Things are pretty much the same with me, no major changes to report. I'm not letting that get me down though, as I'm very aware that it's an ongoing battle and will not be fixed in a few days.

Today this blog post is going to be about support networks that are available to each and every person who is living with a mental health issue or anyone who is currently feeling a little lost. To be honest I know for a fact that my support network will not suit everyone, its not meant to and that's okay. Your support network is exactly that, YOURS! Find people or things that make you feel better also try to avoid negative people and things. (not always easy I know) Here's a list of mine:

Thankfully my family are very understanding with me, if I want to talk about how I'm feeling I know they are there. I don't really confide in my family and they tend to find out about my mental health journey through the blog. Its suits me far better this way believe it or not. I know each and every one of them are there if I ever need them. 

So clearly still family I have to mention the hubs and my girls. I confide in my husband a lot and thankfully he never judges me for the way i feel. When he doesn't have the answers I need, there is always a cuddle and a cuppa to make me feel a bit better. Now my girls, honestly they make life hectic with their crazy wee ways and I never go a day not laughing my head off at them. Each day they give me enough kisses and hugs to last a lifetime. They are my sunshine!!

I for one don't mind saying that I do not have a large group of friends and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. The close knit of friends I do have are so very precious to me and have supported me so much for the last few years. Proper real friends are not easy to find. The friends that stand by you in hard times as well as good times are the ones you need and will help you so much more. Knowing you have the support from people who are not your family and are willing to listen to your troubles is PRICELESS!! They are there for you because they want to be!!

Anything you say to your doctor is in private, there is no judgement from them and they can help you so much. Even if your only feeling a little lost, talk to your doctor because they can only advise you if they know something is wrong and trust me they CAN help. I have a lot to thank my doctor for, I was put on the correct medication and referred to a mental health professional. If I remained ashamed of how I was feeling and didn't go see my doctor years ago, I can honestly say I don't think I'd be here today. There is not a thing to be ashamed about. Its okay not to be okay!!! 

Now these people have no easy job but it is also no easy job finding the right one for YOU. I could give you the name of mine but its no good it really is trial and error. I honestly think you need to personally connect and feel completely comfortable with your counselor etc. I literally got it third time lucky. The first two counselors I had, were no doubt about it good at their job and unfortunately the connection wasn't there. I lied to them about how I was feeling or they said something to me and I would think how F#*king dare you. This is completely wrong and you should ask to be referred to another. This is your mental health so make sure you get it right.  

Now I know what your thinking, (WTF) but hear me out. 
Have you ever been walking down the street and a stranger gives you a smile, says good morning etc. Well this is what I mean and I know I'm a rare being. But there is one stranger who helped me on a day I was really low and it meant the world to me. I was in a shop and got chatting to a woman. It was about nothing in particular, the usual weather, xmas, kids etc as I was about to leave the woman told me to please take care of myself then reached over and gave me a hug!! Usually I'd be a bit freaked out with stranger hugs but that day when I looked completely worn out and like crap, that glamorous stranger made me change my mind. So always be kind and smile you don't know who you could help.

I bet my husband is rolling his eyes at this one! HA! 
This is my go-to support network. I love love love reading. If its not a magazine or a book then its some device with the kindle app downloaded to it. Reading for me helps me escape for a bit and it helps me relax. I would much rather cosy up with a book than watch tv. It keeps your mind active and is said to reduce stress. So why would you not want to read every day?

I don't think i need to explain much more.. x

I really hope each one of you have a support network of your own as it makes a massive difference to your day to day life. Feel free to message me with any questions you have. 

Stay safe, stay healthy and look after your sunshine.
xO Leonie 

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Sometimes We Stumble Backwards!

Hello everyone, I really hope you weren't holding your breath waiting on my next blog post!
I know how much of a disaster I am at keeping the blog constantly updated and as per usual I've no excuse. I've definitely been busy but at nothing in particular, mainly life, my girls, hubby, work, being lazy and far too much online shopping. 

I didn't mean to take a wee break from writing and I can honestly say its done me no good at all. Its far easier for me to cope with my mind when I'm jotting my daily thoughts and goings on down. I personally feel over the last month or so I've taken a huge leap back in my battle with depression. (see I've told nobody that but i can write it ok, strange doll I am) I don't know why I've ended up feeling this way again but I don't intend on staying like it. Thankfully I'm due to go back to see my counselor in the next few weeks, so I'm on the right track at least.

I did noticed a few signs of my mental health getting worse, but the thing with depression is that it creeps up on you over days, weeks and months. Then before you know it the negative thoughts outweigh the positive thoughts, the bad days are more often than the good days and BOOM your in a slump. I wish I could sleep through it all and we all know that's not how life works. 

Hopefully the next time I'm chatting to you all things will be more positive and upbeat. Also I really mean it the next post wont be as delayed as this one. Remember look after yourself and keep smiling! 

Stay safe, Stay healthy and look after your sunshine.
xO Leonie